1.1. HORUNA STANISLAV MYKOLAYOVYCH, an individual entrepreneur, hereinafter - the Executor, acting on the basis of the Charter, provides training services to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter - the Customer) under the conditions specified in this Agreement, which are binding for individuals, who joined this Agreement.
1.2. Disagreement with the conditions specified in this Agreement entails the impossibility of providing training services by the Contractor.
1.3. The Customer grants permission to the Contractor to process his personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data".
2.1. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor provides the Customer with training services in accordance with the training plans, a detailed description of which is available on the website horuna.com (hereinafter - training services.
2.2. The fact that the Customer has paid for training services indicates the Customer's unconditional acceptance of the conditions specified in this Agreement.
2.3. The cost of training services is determined depending on the training plan chosen by the Customer.
3.1. The performer undertakes:
3.1.1. On the basis of this Agreement and after payment of the cost of the training plan selected by the Customer, provide him with training services within the period specified by the selected plan.
3.1.2. Provide the User with online support via chat that will be created in a Telegram or Whatsapp or another communication channel of the Contractor's choice.
3.1.3. To ensure the continuity of the educational process in accordance with the selected Customer's educational plan.
3.1.4. Provide the Customer with the necessary methodical materials.
3.1.5. Provide services to the Customer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
3.2. The executor has the right to:
3.2.1. Stop/terminate the provision of training services to the Customer unilaterally in the following cases: The customer has violated the terms of this Agreement.
3.2.2. Demand compensation from the Customer for damages caused by the Customer's actions.
4.1. The customer is obliged to:
4.1.1. To fulfill the terms of this Agreement in good faith.
4.1.2. Not to publish, not to transfer to third parties and not to use for commercial purposes methodological materials provided to the Customer in the course of providing training services, including for independent work.
4.2. The customer has the right to:
4.2.1. Receive training services provided for in this Agreement.
4.2.2. Demand compliance by the Contractor with the terms of this Agreement.
4.2.3. Make payment to the Executor for training services, in accordance with the chosen curriculum, by any of the methods provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.
5.1. The training services provided for in this Agreement are provided exclusively under the conditions of 100 percent prepayment of their cost in accordance with the selected training plan of the Customer.
5.2. All calculations are made in the national currency of Ukraine - the hryvnia. The price indicated on the website in US dollars is equivalent to the official exchange rate of the NBU.
5.3. The executor is not responsible for the procedure of transfer/credit of funds.
5.4. The moment of payment is considered the moment of crediting funds to the Contractor's current account or presentation of a payment receipt to the Contractor by the Customer.
6.1. For non-fulfilment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor and the Customer bear the responsibility provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.
6.2. The Customer is aware that violation of the terms of this Agreement leads to its termination by the Contractor unilaterally, with subsequent termination/stopping of the provision of training services.
6.3. The executor assumes full responsibility in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data".
6.4. The contractor is not responsible for unedited methodical materials, which are transferred to the Customer in the course of providing him with training services in accordance with the selected training plan, including for independent work.
6.5. If the Customer violates the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor shall be released from the obligations assumed under this Agreement.
7.1. If the Student paid for the Online Course or other service but later decided not to take the Online Course or not use any other fee-based service, the Student shall notify the Service Administrator of that by sending a notice via the feedback means specified on the Service within fourteen days from the payment date.
7.2. Funds that are returned to the Student will be remitted less USD 10 for the platform use and fees of the payment systems through which the Student paid for the services. The refunding is possible only if the Student refused from the Service within fourteen days from the payment date.
8.1. The Executor and the Customer are released from responsibility for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, if this was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the entry into force of this Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that could not have been predicted and could not have been prevented intelligent measures.
9.1. The contract enters into force upon payment by the Customer to the Provider of training services and is valid for the entire period specified in the training plan selected by the Customer.
9.2. This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Customer and the Contractor in particular clauses 7.1 - 7.2 of this Agreement
10.1. All disputes and disagreements that have arisen regarding the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations on the basis of a written statement (claim) of the Customer with the addition of a check (receipt) for payment of the training service.
10.2. After receiving the service application (claim) from the Customer, the Contractor is obliged to satisfy the stated requirements within 20 (twenty) days or to send the Customer a reasoned refusal.
10.3. In the event that the dispute that has arisen is not settled in a claim procedure, the Customer or the Contractor has the right to apply to the court at the location of the Contractor.
10.4. The customer of services guarantees that all terms of this Agreement are clear to him, and he accepts them, of course, in full.
HORUNA STANISLAV MYKOLAYOVYCH, an individual entrepreneur
IBAN UA713220010000026007310032692 in Universal Bank PJSC, Kyiv, Ukraine
Legal address: str. Instrumentalna, 45, apt. 30, Lviv, 79068, Ukraine EDRPOU code 3256704799